
PODCAST: 2021 TYFSF 14U All-Stars celebration at Frog & Firkin

The 2021 Tucson Youth Football & Spirit Federation 14U All-Stars (Javier Morales/AllSportsTucson.com)


  • In the first part, interviews with TYFSF 14U All-Stars coach Clarence “Bam” McRae, who played tight end at Arizona from 2001 to 2004, retiring president Julius Holt, also a former Wildcat standout as a defensive tackle/linebacker, and standouts Roman Pit-Og, Sean Young, Justin Elder and Andrew Garza. In the interview with McRae, I suggested he look into being an analyst for Arizona football games either on radio or television. He certainly has the knowledge and the voice for it.
  • In the second part, I interviewed line coach Kenny Golden, who is a former Tennessee Vols lineman who went on to serve for two decades in the U.S. Marine Corps. His son Kai was a Mountain View standout who played for McRae when McRae was the coach there. The elder Golden was also an assistant of McRae at Mountain View. Kai went on to play at New Mexico State before a heart condition forced him to retire from football. The Aggies still honored his scholarship.
  • Pit-Og is headed to the 2022 AYF 8th Grade National All-Star Game at Las Vegas during Pro Bowl festivities with the game Feb. 5 at Bishop Gorman High School. The top 60 8th Grade AYF players will compete in an East vs West game. Fellow lineman Noah Banhie of the Tucson Jaguars is also slated to play in the game. Pit-Og played for the Oro Valley Dolphins, who normally serve as a feeder to CDO but he is moving with his family to Virginia after this school year because his father got a job there.
  • CDO coach Dustin Peace has the potential to have eight of the all-stars play for his program next season. Other high schools that will likely have many of these all-stars: Mica Mountain 12, Cienega 10 and Buena five. Further reason to believe that Mica Mountain coach Pat Nugent will have one of the most competitive programs in the state within a couple of years.

When former Arizona standout Bam McRae speaks, his TYFSF All-Stars listen (Javier Morales/AllSportsTucson.com)
Logan Purdy, a tight end with the Oro Valley Dolphins, is headed to Catalina Foothills next year. He is here with his mom Amy. (Javier Morales.AllSportsTucson.com)
TYFSF 14U All-Stars coach Bam McRae congratulates Justin Elder (Javier Morales/AllSportsTucson.com)

TYFSF 14U All-Stars

Roster information provided by Tucson Youth Football & Spirit Federation

PlayerAssociation Age2022 HSPos
Julian HainleyTucson Wildcats13UCienegaQB
Riley CarsonVail Viking 14UMica Mountain K
Jaidyn CristVail Vikings13UMica Mountain QB
Shane WaltersVail Vikings 14UCienega RB/FB
Samico Salazar Oro Valley Dolphins 13UCanyon Del Oro DE
Richard TiraboscoVail Vikings 13UCienegaDT/OT 
Cash DickeyOro Valley Dolphins14UCanyon del OroK
Samuel SalazarSanta Cruz Cardinals12UNogalesMLB
JaiRahn JohnsonVail Vikings 13UMica Mountain DT
Nate CampaOro Valley Dolphins13UPusch Ridge WR
NayelysSierra Vista Wolverines 13UBuenaOL/DL
Zakkary AdamakisVail Vikings12UCienegaLB
Nathan SchneiderOro Valley Dolphins14UCanyon del OroS
Aviyon Vaughn Sierra Vista Wolverines 13UBuenaWR
Sean YoungOro Valley Dolphins14UCanyon del OroRB
Logan PurdyOro Valley Dolphins 14UCatalina FoothillsTE 
Cayden CoxVail Vikings12UMica Mountain  OL
Davion Ross Vail Vikings 13UMica Mountain RB
Carlos AponteSierra Vista Wolverines13UTombstoneRG
Logan HartVail Vikings13UCienega DE
Robert Santa CruzVail Vikings14UCienega OT 
Pierce HageleOro Valley Dolphins13UIronwood RidgeATH 
Dylan Marcoux Oro Valley Dolphins13UCanyon del OroLB
Benjamin PruettOro Valley Dolphins 13USalpointe WR
Cameron Swenson Vail Vikings 13UCienegaOL/DL
Jaxson MooreTucson Wildcats14USahuaro OL
Daniel Petrov Tucson Wildcats 14USalpointeWR 
William ThwaitsVail Vikings14UUndeterminedLB
Gavin WilliamsVail Vikings 12UMica MountainWR 
Bryce GillmoreVail Vikings14UMica Mountain WR
Justin SheeheyVail Vikings13UMica MountainTE
Colton Davis LedfordTucson Wildcats14USahuaroDL
Justin ElderOro Valley Dolphins 13UMaranaLB
Alex AlcalaSierra Vista Wolverines 13UBuena CB
Vijay CarrierSierra Vista Wolverines13UBuenaWR
Anthony Sierra Vista Wolverines13USalpointeWR
Andrew GarzaOro Valley Dolphins13UCanyon Del OroDT
Alex StehrVail Vikings 14UMica Mountain OT
Ismael MartinezTucson Raiders 12UTucsonOLB
Josue A. MartinTucson Wildcats13USahuaroWR
Roman Pit-OgOro Valley Dolphins13UHS in Virginia LG/LT
Elijah MarovitzOro Valley Dolphins13UCanyon del OroDE
Isaac NewbornOro Valley Dolphins13UIronwood RidgeWR
Odin SmithSierra Vista Wolverines13UBuenaOT
Joshua GardnerTucson Wildcats13USahuaro NT
Trustin Jordan Madril Tucson Wildcats 14UCienegaDE
Julian PerezTucson Wildcats 13USahuaroTE
Adrian PeraltaTucson Wildcats13UFlowing WellsLB
Brenden LawrenceOro Valley Dolphins14UCanyon del OroLB
Logan WelshVail Vikings 13UCienega WR 
John CartwrightOro Valley Dolphins13UUndetermined MLB
MJ BucknerOro Valley Dolphins13UUndeterminedQB
Elijah SotoVail Vikings 13UCienega RB
Najean AndersonVail Vikings13UMica Mountain OL
Johnathan ZaccantiVail Vikings13UMicaC
Stephan ArellanoTucson Wildcats13USahuaroLB
Jacob Jasso Vail Vikings12UMica Mountain WR
Caden Van WinkleVail Vikings 13UMica Mountain OG


ALLSPORTSTUCSON.com publisher, writer and editor Javier Morales is a former Arizona Press Club award winner. He is a former Arizona Daily Star beat reporter for the Arizona basketball team, including when the Wildcats won the 1996-97 NCAA title. He has also written articles for CollegeAD.com, Bleacher Report, Lindy’s Sports, TucsonCitizen.com, The Arizona Republic, Sporting News and Baseball America, among many other publications. He has also authored the book “The Highest Form of Living”, which is available at Amazon. He became an educator five years ago and is presently a special education teacher at Gallego Fine Arts Intermediate in the Sunnyside Unified School District.

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