Tucson High School Sports

January 8: Today we remember.


The front lawn of the University Medical Center became the place most of us went for answers. (Andy Morales/AllSportsTucson)


It’s been five years since Tucson joined the growing list of communities struck by senseless violence. Six gone and 13 wounded.

Our City wounded but not gone.

The pain of loss came like the beat of a heart, constant and sometimes loud. There are times when we believe others can hear it beat although it’s probably not true. Perhaps we want others to hear it beat, to hear the blood flow. We want others to know our pain. And the world did, if only for a moment.

But time has a way of healing. The beat goes on, the flow of life repairs what it can and we go on, moment by moment.


Christina-Taylor Green was only 9 but will live forever.

Dot Morris, John Roll, Phyllis Schneck, Dorwan Stoddard, Gabe Zimmerman and Christina-Taylor Green.

Most of us will thankfully never know their pain or know the loss suffered by their families. Our recovery is obviously much swifter than theirs. Though we may seem far-removed form their loss we hope they know we could sense it, we could hear it.

Our job is to help them repair what we can. We do this by remembering and we do this by living. We do this by protecting others.

We can try to prevent the pain, the disease, from traveling to other communities but there are those who will always disagree on the course we must take. Perhaps that is for another day.

Today we remember.


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