Tucson High School Sports

Cactus Classic Girls Volleyball Invitational

Jan. 13-16: Tucson Convention Center & Sporting Chance Center


Local champions:

12U Division

Marana Sky Islands 12R1
Mizner, Jeffrey -Head Coach
Stricker, Sarah -Assistant Coach
Cano, Ella -26
Davis, Natalie -7
Dunn, Megan -10
Dunn, Sarah -18
Escobar, Graciela -31
Fuentes, Amaris -11
Fuentes, Anina -3
Mack, Alyssa -1
Mack, Arianna -13
Marquez, Sophia -8
McDaniel, Kamryn -4
Navarrete, Madison-42

15U Division

Tucson SAVA 15 Black

Owens, Michael -Head Coach
Bronson, Haley -8
Conway, Kayla -6
Ehler, Grace -12
Kishbaugh, Brandy -4
Owens, Andrea -9
Parker, Caroline -11
Piorkowski, Kristin -5
Pundt, Destiny -2
Ruiz, Ashley -10
Russell, Abigail -7
Soto, KARLA -3
Young, Julia -1

16U Division

Tucson SAVA 16 Black

Owens, Natalia -Head Coach
Robles, Jose -Assistant Coach
Corbett, Abigail -5
Cox, Rayne -9
Deakins, Samantha -6
Fowler, Carissa -2
Franco, Jasmine -10
McDonough, Summer -8
Navarrete, Arianna -3
Pearson, Eve -4
Peters, Lauren -7
Ponce, Lynnae -1
Skidmore, Taylor -11
Stueck, Emelia -12

17/18U Division

Tucson SAVA Curitibano 18

Owens, Michael -Assistant Coach
Carvalho, Thalisie -11
Cuadras Torres, Dianitza -23
Custodio, Suelen -6
Hanna, Lillian -9
Lara, Yasmin -5
Maria dos Santos, Kauana -12
Martinez, Camila -10
Pundek Branco, Maria Fernanda -2


Andy Morales was recognized by the AIA as the top high school reporter in 2014 and has been a youth, high school and college coach for over 30 years. His own children have won multiple state high school championships and were named to all-state teams. Competing in hockey, basketball, baseball and track & field in high school, his unique perspective can only be found here and on AZPreps365.com. Andy was named a Local Hero by the Tucson Weekly for 2016. Contact Andy Morales at AMoralesMyTucson@yahoo.com

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