CDO pitcher Elias Stancer (Andy Morales/AllSportsTucson.com)
Lancer Baseball Classic
Mar. 19-23: Reid Park Annex
Saguaro went 5-0 this past week at the Salpointe Lancer Baseball Classic with big wins over Marana (10-6), Pueblo (8-0), Rincon/University (10-0) and Redlands, California (6-5) before holding on to defeat Catalina Foothills Saturday afternoon….
RECAP AT AZPreps365.com
Arizona CatBox Beach Invitational
Mar. 24: Arizona
Chris Moon Baseball Classic
Mar. 27-30: Cherry Field
Mountain View Volleyball Invitational
Mar. 30-31: Mountain View
Lancer Volleyball Invitational
April 13-14: Salpointe
Southern Arizona Track & Field Championships
April 21: Mountain View
Last Chance Track & Field
April 25: Marana
Andy Morales was recognized by the AIA as the top high school reporter in 2014 and he was awarded the Ray McNally Award in 2017 and he has been a youth, high school and college coach for over 30 years. His own children have won multiple state high school championships and were named to all-state teams. Competing in hockey, basketball, baseball and track & field in high school, his unique perspective can only be found here and on AZPreps365.com. Andy was named a Local Hero by the Tucson Weekly for 2016. Contact Andy Morales at AMoralesMyTucson@yahoo.com