
From The Field: Fall 2019

The Craft of Sports Storytelling for Broadcast

So you want to be a broadcast sports reporter?
No grades. Just experience.

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Y1ty0kb53o]
Who: Open to University of Arizona broadcast journalism students

Mentor: Damien Alameda, Emmy Award/Associated Press award-winning sports broadcaster

When: Week of Sept. 23rd through Week of Oct. 28th, 2019
In-Class Sessions- Monday mornings, 9-11 a.m.
Team Practices- Wednesday afternoons
Team Games- Friday evenings

In-Class Sessions- U of A campus
Team Practices- TBD depending on assignment
Team Games- TBD depending on assignment
Cost: $336 (Payment accepted through Pay Pal)

Seminar is limited to 6 students. Registration Deadline: June 1st, 2019

Email me at alamedacomm@gmail.com to reserve your spot and receive a link to make your payment of $336 online for the six-week seminar.

Read the syllabus below or download a full PDF (108K).


A sportscaster in the 21st century media landscape is no longer defined solely by an individual reading game highlights. Those who choose to enter the profession must become multimedia journalists who understand every element of what it takes to create their final product.

In this six-week seminar specifically for University of Arizona broadcast students, you will produce and report sports stories for broadcast. The class will be divided into 2- person crews under the direction of local broadcast veteran Damien Alameda. Crews will consist of one videographer and one reporter. Roles and responsibilities will alternate for each project. Each crew will be assigned a different local high school and will be responsible for covering weekly basketball practices and games during the duration of the seminar. You will learn and apply elements of sports reporting to every package you produce, including finding the narrative, interview skills, and working on deadline.

We will have one 2-hour seminar per week. You will attend one weekly high school practice and game. Each crew will contribute a total of ten packages on deadline.

Student Requirements:

  • Students should have basic knowledge of non-linear computer editing and field camera operations.
  • Students must have transportation and be available for one afternoon practice and one evening game.
  • Students will be responsible for reserving camera equipment through Gear-To-Go (520-621-0484).

WEEK BY WEEK (Game/Practice Schedule Subject To Change)

Week 1

Monday, September 23rd: Shooting/Editing for Games vs. News

Shooting and editing for sports and shooting and editing for news are two different beasts that require two vastly different eyes. Before you get in front of the camera, you will need experience doing both. In week one, crews will get a taste for each style as it relates to sports. In class, you will observe examples and learn techniques that you will use when you begin covering your assigned football teams. These initial skills will help carry you through the duration of the practicum.

Wednesday, September 25th: Practice 1

You will attend your first football practice. Each crew member will shoot and edit an individual video sequence of practice using the techniques discussed.

Deadline (completed sequence): Wed, Jan. 25th, 11 p.m.
Total running time: 0:30-0:45

Friday, September 27th: Game 1

You will attend your first football game. Each crew member will shoot and edit an individual video sequence of highlights using the techniques discussed.

Deadline (completed sequence): Fri, Sept. 27th, 11 p.m.
Total running time: 0:45-1:00

Week 2

Monday, September 30th: Writing and Voicing

We will focus on techniques that turn generic paragraphs into punchy tight broadcast scripts. We will then practice voiceover techniques into the microphone to help you begin finding your own comfortable rhythm and flow.

Wednesday, October 2nd: Practice 2

One crew member will be the videographer/editor to shoot and edit the pregame package.
The second crew member will be the reporter to write and voice the pregame package.
The package will be voiceover only. No on-camera standups.

Deadline (completed package and script): Wed, Oct. 2nd, 11 p.m.
Total running time: 0:45-1:00

Friday, October 4th: Game 2

Roles will reverse. Whoever was the videographer/editor is now the reporter and vice versa. The crew will produce a postgame package. Voiceover only. No on-camera standups.

Deadline (completed package and script): Fri, Oct. 4th, 11 p.m.
Total running time: 0:45-1:00

Award-winning broadcaster Damien Alameda in the field

Week 3

Monday, October 7th: How to Interview

Interviewing can be arguably the hardest and most intimidating part of the job short of producing on deadline. Most people do not want to be interviewed, especially when you’re holding a microphone and camera. We’ll examine interviewing techniques and participate in role-playing games to help you get a grasp of what works and what doesn’t.

Wednesday, October 9th: Practice 3

The crew will produce its second pregame package, this time including player/coach pregame interviews. The package will be a voice-over. No on-camera standups.

Deadline (completed package and script): Wed, Oct. 9th, 11 p.m.
Total running time: 1:00-1:10

Friday, October 11th: Game 3

The crew will produce its second postgame package, this time including player/coach postgame interviews. The package will be a voice-over. No on-camera standups.

Deadline (completed package and script): Fri, Oct. 11th, 11 p.m.
Total running time: 1:00-1:10

Week 4

Monday, October 14th: The Standup

It takes a lot of practice to feel comfortable speaking into the camera when the red light is on. We’ll run through a series of exercises to help you feel at ease while speaking not just to the camera but to your viewing audience.

Wednesday, October 16th: Practice 4

The crew will produce its third pregame package, this time including player/coach interviews and reporter standups.

Deadline (completed package and script): Tues, Oct. 16th, 11 p.m.
Total Running Time: 1:10-1:20

Friday: October 18th: Game 4

The crew will produce its third postgame package, this time including player/coach interviews and reporter standups.

Deadline (completed package and script): Fri, Oct. 18th, 11 p.m.
Total running time: 1:10-1:20

Week 5

Monday, October 21st: Another Round

We will continue practicing the skills we’ve learned.

Wednesday, October 23rd: Practice 5

The crew will shoot, write, report, and edit its fourth pregame package.

Deadline (completed package and script): Wed, Oct. 23rd, 11 p.m.
Total Running Time: 1:10-1:20

Friday, October 25th: Game 5

The crew will shoot its fourth postgame package.

Deadline (completed packaged and script): Fri. Oct. 25th, 11 p.m.
Total running time: 1:10-1:20

Week 6

Monday, October 28th: Final Week

One more opportunity to put together everything we’ve learned.

Wednesday: October 30th: Practice 6

The crew will shoot, write, report, and edit its fifth pregame package.

Deadline (completed package and script): Wed, Oct. 30th, 11 p.m.
Total Running Time: 1:10-1:20

Friday: November 1st: Game 6

The crew will shoot, write, report, and edit its fifth postgame package.

Deadline (completed package and script): Fri, Nov. 1st, 11 p.m.
Total Running Time: 1:10-1:20

By the end of six weeks, you should not only be more comfortable in front of and behind the camera, but also have a broadcast-ready story to begin or add to your resume reel.


Email: alamedacomm@gmail.com

An Alameda Communications, LLC Seminar

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