Tucson Youth Sports

Remote and Hoop Camp Taking Place at Sporting Chance

Bernal Fitness and Performance is staging a “Remote and Hoop Camp” starting this week at Sporting Chance at 2100 W. Curtis Road in Tucson.

During school hours, students grades 5-12 will enter the remote learning area and complete their schoolwork. During breaks, lunch and before/after school, they will train and play basketball with director Adam Bernal.

Two sessions are scheduled — an A.M. session from 7 to 11:30 and a P.M. session from 11:30 a.m. to 4. The fee is $55 a week for each session.

The camp will run this week through Dec. 17.

Included in the camp:

— On the court up to 60 minutes before school for shooting, skills and drills, strength training and repetitions.
— Daily grade/assignment check-ins.
— Break times featuring a short & specific drill, exercise, or challenge to keep downtime productive
— 60-plus minutes after school for shooting, skills and drills, strength training and repetitions.

In the remote learning area, campers log into their school’s remote learning with their own (or school-provided) laptop or tablet and headphones to complete schoolwork. A knowledgeable and experienced staff will assist with log-in and technical issues. Free, reliable Wi-Fi is available. Masks and physical distancing will be maintained.

Lunch is not provided. Campers must bring their own lunch, snacks and water. A snack bar will also be available.

COVID-19 safety protocol will be followed with small group sizes, temperature screenings at the door, frequent hand sanitizing and hand washing breaks, daily cleaning and disinfecting and masks are required at all times by all staff and athletes.

For more information and to register, visit the Bernal Fitness and Performance Web site.

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