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Vax Truth Challenge: Share your vaccination story and win $1,000

Get creative while explaining what getting the COVID-19 vaccine means to you, your friends, your family, your teammates.

The fourth round of the #VaxTruthChallenge is underway, and any Pima County resident under 24 can enter their video before the Sept. 15 deadline for a chance to win the $1,000 first prize. Share your personal story or gather a group to collaborate to demonstrate the importance of the vaccine.

For the young athletes that AllSportsTucson.com covers every day that could mean, unlike last school year, being able to have a full schedule of sports and other school activities.

Have your say and then post your videos on TikTok, Instagram, Facebook or YouTube, using the #VaxTruthChallenge hashtag. Or you can upload your video via a link at www.vaxchallenge.com, which has all the rules of the contest and more. Be sure to check it out.

The second-place prize in this round is a $500 gift card.

Anyone 12 and older can be vaccinated against COVID-19, which is the most effective way to be protected and to stop the spread of the virus and dangerous variants, such as delta.

Here are some winning videos from the previous rounds (previous winners not eligible in this round):


Grand prize

Second place


Grand prize

Second place


Grand prize

Round 1 winner Amelia Jimenez used TikTok to juxtapose images of people getting vaccinated with clips of their favorite memories as “a representation of that hopeful state of mind that life will one day return back to normal again.” She added: “If I could just impact one person, and that one person decided to get vaccinated because they saw my video, then I have succeeded. No step is too small towards change.”

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