
Arizona Jets 7-on-7 team captures 15U Showdown Series championship in Los Angeles

The Arizona Jets 15U team visiting UCLA (Jet Sports Training photo)

The Arizona Jets’ 15U football team sponsored by Jet Sports Training dominated in five games, including a 37-0 win Sunday over the 805 Silverbacks of Oxnard, Calif., in the championship of the The Showdown 7-on-7 Series.

The Jets, comprised of top Southern Arizona talent, scored 170 points in the five games over the weekend.

They also visited UCLA’s spring practice during their stay in Los Angeles.

The Arizona Jets 15U team celebrate their championship (Jet Sports Training photo)

“We were invited by Chip Kelly’s UCLA staff to come watch practice,” Jet Sports Training owner Bobby Rodriguez mentioned. “The purpose for these (college) visits is to have our boys start thinking about college and higher education after high school, even if it’s trade school.”

It was the team’s fourth campus visit of the year. They also toured Arizona, ASU and NAU.

“I want these boys to also dream big, work hard and know that playing college football is possible,” Rodriguez added. “I couldn’t be more grateful for the parents in our program for allowing me to work with their kids, the coaches for the hours spent and the players for believing in our staff and myself.”

Jet Sports Training owner Bobby Rodriguez with UCLA coach Chip Kelly (Jet Sports Training photo)

15U Jets

Rayce Alvarez

Jalen Horn

Julian Moreno

RJ Gory

Landon Pedersen

Kevin Bruns

Wheeler DeLancey

Jake Rogers

Noah Chanez

Van Birchak

Gabriel Diaz

Christian Diaz

Taliq Smith


Bobby Rodriguez

Frank Chanez

Barrie Pedersen

Julio Diaz


(Jet Sports Training photo)


(Jet Sports Training photo)


(Jet Sports Training photo)
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