Senior Class Letters

Senior Letter to Class of 2020: Ironwood Ridge’s Brandon Barrios has reached out for high school seniors to write their class a letter during this unique time of their schools closed due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Today’s letter was written by Ironwood Ridge running back Brandon Barrios, who will next play football at Olivet Nazarene University, an NAIA school at Bourbonnais, Ill.

To the class of 2020,

   My name is Brandon Barrios and I am part of the senior class of 2020 at Ironwood Ridge High School. We all thought that the year 2020 was going to be special, but none of us expected this. We all know what is happening to this world due to this pandemic. Many have lost their jobs, houses, memories and most importantly their lives. This pandemic has affected us all in so many different ways. Many could care less about this situation because it may not affect them as much as it does certain people. One of the groups that got hit the hardest is the class of 2020.

    This group of Seniors have put in all the work throughout the four years of high school. We have taken our ACT, SAT and all our other forms of testing. We have studied our butts off for the past four years trying to keep high GPA’s. We have dealt with being the small fish in a big pond as freshman and eventually working our way to becoming the leaders of the school. We have dealt with every problem high school has thrown at us, so we can feel accomplished when we stand on the stage with our diploma. All these problems we faced were done for a purpose. For some, a high school diploma is all they need, and for others, they will take their knowledge to a University somewhere. We have done everything right, patiently waiting our turn to graduate and all of a sudden its gone. We had so many new memories to make this year but it was all taken away. I am going to miss my Prom, assemblies, dodge ball tournaments, powder puff games, project grad and most likely my graduation. Other are losing their sports seasons and their chance to go to the next level. With all this happening I do realize that I’m not alone. The class of 2020 will be one of the strongest groups to graduate yet. This group of Seniors will be able to tell their future children about their experiences. Even though we lost the remainder of our year, we will never lose hope. During this time we will appreciate the things we do have and to stay positive. Our 2020 class is strong and will continue to get through this together. Take this time to be with your families and be productive. There more memories to make and better things to come. Just remember that you are part of something that will go down in history. It was an honor to a part of the class of 2020. Remember to stay safe and stay strong!!  

— Brandon Barrios, Ironwood Ridge, Class of 2020

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