Senior Class Letters

Senior Letter to Class of 2020: Tucson High’s Maximiliano Hernandez has reached out for high school seniors to write the class of 2020 a letter during this unique time of their schools closed due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Today’s letter was written by Tucson High School volleyball player Maximiliano Hernandez, who will be a biochemistry major at the University of Arizona with the goal of being a doctor.

Maximiliano Hernandez (Brad Peters/Special to

To the Class of 2020,

As we come to the end of our journey in high school, we have encountered difficult situations which have made us stronger.  The COVID-19 has affected many families around the world today and us academically as we finish our last year of high school.  One thing which I have learned from this was how strong we were as a school body and a family.  I speak from personal experience that although many of the goals which I wanted to achieve this school year athletically was cut short from the COVID-19 it will not keep me from achieving my life goals I have set for the future.  As a school body we must use this unfortunate situation and learn from it for us to be prepared for many life situations which will occur to us in the future. 

I challenge you to continue to aim high and know that the faith we have in one another and in our families will give us the strength for this school body to make a difference in the future of our families.  I believe that the high school was a great introduction to meeting new friends and learning how to handle new situations.  But first and foremost, it was the beginning for many students to move forward and achieve the goals each of us has set for the future.  We will encounter many more situations where we will have to think back to what we have learned from our past experiences.

I would like to thank the school board and all the staff members who worked tirelessly to ensure that our experience was amazing. I would like to say on behalf of all the graduating class of 2020 that we appreciate all the hard work which they did for all of us.  The lessons which we learned here will stay with us forever.

All the memories of us smiling, singing, and being able to be with our friends, but most of all growing as individuals, will never be forgotten. We will look back at these memories for the rest of our lives! We all learned the hard way how quickly all our lives can change in an instant, and how all our smiles can change into frowns. The support from the staff was a great way to show us how to grow as individuals and lead by example. Finally, I would like to say how grateful we are for every moment and memory we had, our class of 2020 will go down in history as one of the most unique graduating classes in history.

Congratulations to every 2020 graduate!!!


Maximiliano Hernandez

Tucson High School, Class of 2020

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