Tucson Youth Sports

Registration Saturday for Southwest Rams in new AYF league

The longstanding Southwest Rams, who will compete this fall as part of the Arizona American Youth Football league with a few other Southern Arizona-based youth football and cheer organizations, will hold its registration Saturday morning at 10 a.m. at Rodeo Park.

Returning players are asked to contact their team’s business manager or head coach for any questions about the registration or the upcoming season.

The prices include $265 for cheer ( uniform, shoes, bow, poms, and practice outfit), $225 for tackle football and $185 for flag football. The Rams are offering a sibling discount of $20 per child.

Southwest Rams graphic

Requirements needed by beginning of season are a birth certificate and 2021 sports physical and full year report card including all four semesters.

The Rams are joining Arizona AYF along with the Tucson Scorpions, Tucson Heatz, Marana Broncos, Tanque Verde Cowboys, Sahuarita 49ers, Sierra Visa Colts and Douglas Chargers.

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