
Tucson Aztecs-Ruiz went 6-0 to win ASA Arizona 18B State Championship

(Courtesy Photo)

Tucson Aztecs-Ruiz went 6-0 to capture the ASA Arizona 18B State Championship held in Payson last weekend.

Abby Workman
Katie Sherman
Mya Cabral
Liah Garcia
Jessica Lozania
Brianna Campas
Clarissa De La Ossa
Briana Rodriguez
Clarissa Lizarraga
Kam Gastellum
Gabby Acosta
Angelica Ahumada
Ariana Ruiz
Abby Torres
Head Coach Curtis Ruiz
Assistant Jesus Lozania
Assistant Ramon De La Ossa


Andy Morales was recognized by the AIA as the top high school reporter in 2014 and he was awarded the Ray McNally Award in 2017 and he has been a youth, high school and college coach for over 30 years. His own children have won multiple state high school championships and were named to all-state teams. Competing in hockey, basketball, baseball and track & field in high school, his unique perspective can only be found here and on Andy is the Southern Arizona voting member of the Ed Doherty Award, recognizing the top football player in Arizona, and he was named a Local Hero by the Tucson Weekly for 2016. Contact Andy Morales at

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