Senior Class Letters

Senior Letter to Class of 2020: Tucson High’s Octavius Thomas has reached out for high school seniors to write the class of 2020 a letter during this unique time of their schools closed due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Today’s letter was written by Tucson High football player and track and field athlete Octavius “Octane” Thomas, who will attend Pima Community College and run track for the Aztecs.

Octavius Thomas with many of his track and field medals he has won (Thomas photo)

To the Class of 2020,

If there is anything we should have learned from the past year, it is how to adapt to adversity during the darkest times and turn it around for our good. I believe timing is everything, in these extreme COVID-19 circumstances, it has taught us invaluable lessons. Lessons like how fear and death took us out of our comfort zones and conveniences, and replaced it with a focus on our essential relationships (personal, private and public). These relationships help foster a sense of community while supporting our own mental, physical and spiritual well-being. In light of the bad and the good, we all have an opportunity to make a difference as reporters, educators, scientists, judges, lawyers, doctors, entrepreneurs, athletes and politicians to positively benefit our world.

I challenge us to use 2020 vision this next decade, by staying positive and not allowing the past experiences to dictate fear and uncertainty in tomorrow’s future. But for our bright future, let us remember how much we have grown into better individuals with fresh new perspectives. How to keep our heads high through trials, tribulations and hardships. Please be proactive and not reactive by exercising our coping skills through daily high expectations to motivate ourselves and others to be standouts and leaders. Also, have the mindset to be the best representation of ourselves, by representing the family’s name so in the end we can say, “I did my best!” Moreover, be determined daily to focus on establishing short and long term goals in your area of study to keep track of your progress, so ultimately one day, you will finish the race and discover your passion, purpose and productive relational place here on this earth.

Truly Yours,

Octavius Peraquarius Thomas

Tucson High Magnet, Class of 2020

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